ntar.h File Reference

Detailed Description

This file contains prototypes, definitions and data structures of the ntar library.

#include <stdio.h>
#include "block_headers.h"
#include "plugins.h"


#define NTAR_FAILURE   1
 The call to a function failed for some reason.
 An attempt to open a protected file (either in read or write mode) has been been without the proper credentials.
 The file was probably downloaded in FTP ASCII mode or another ASCII transfer mode.
 An attempt to read or write to an invalid file descriptor has been made by the library.
 The block data passed to create a new block are NULL.
 An attempt to read a block option has been made without previously reading the block data.
 An attempt to close a section failed because the current block has not been closed.
 The trailer block size does not match the header one. The block has been closed, however.
 The call to ntar_open failed because it was not possible to create the file.
 The disk is full, so any further writes to the file are not allowed.
 An attempt to add the same option structure to a block has been made.
#define NTAR_FAILURE_EOF   12
 A request to read from a file failed.
 The call to ntar_open failed because the file does exist.
 The call to ntar_open failed because the file does not exist.
 The identifier of a block or an option is not valid or unknown.
 The file opened for reading is not a valid NTAR file.
 A wrong parameter has been passed to a CRT function.
 A request to read from a file failed.
 A request to write to file failed.
 The opened block is not correct (e.g. the block length at the end has not the same value as the one at the beginning).
 No memory is available to allocate the internal structures.
 There are no more blocks in the current section.
 An attempt to close a file or create a new section has been made without closing the current opened section.
 The buffer passed to a function is too small to retrieve some info.
 Too many open files. No more file descriptors are available, so no more files can be opened.
 A CRT error has been detected by the library, but the corresponding errno code is unknown.
 An attempt to write on a read file has been made.
 The file was opened for appending to an existing file.
 The file was opened for overwriting an existing file.
 The file was opened for reading data.
 The file was opened for writing new data to a new file.
#define NTAR_OPEN_APPEND   "a"
 Open an existing file for appending new data.
#define NTAR_OPEN_CREATE   "c"
 Open a new file for writing.
#define NTAR_OPEN_READ   "r"
 Open an existing file for reading.
#define NTAR_OPEN_WRITE   "w"
 Open an existing file and overwrite, or create a new one.
#define NTAR_SUCCESS   0
 The call to a function succeeded.


typedef _ntar_block_handle ntar_block_handle
 This structure represents a generic block contained in a section.
typedef _ntar_file_handle ntar_file_handle
 This structure represents the handle to a dump file.
typedef _ntar_file_handlers ntar_file_handlers
 This structure contains the read/write/seek callbacks that ntar uses to manage an ntar file when the application provides its own read/write/seek functions to deal with the underlying storage.
typedef _ntar_option ntar_option
 This structure represents an option of a block, at the user level.
typedef int(* ntar_read_handler )(void *handle, void *buffer, size_t size, size_t *read_bytes)
 This is the callback that is called when the library needs to read some data from the underlying storage. This callback should be defined when the storage (file, or memory) is opened (with ntar_open_by_handlers) in read mode.
typedef _ntar_section_handle ntar_section_handle
 This structure represents the root block for a file. It corresponds to a Section Header Block of the draft, see 3.1.
typedef int(* ntar_seek_handler )(void *handle, ntar_foff new_position, int origin, ntar_foff *pold_position)
 This is the callback that is called when the library needs to obtain the current position in the file, and eventually seek to a new position. This callback is optional (both in read and write mode). Nonetheless, if this callback is not defined, not all the features of the library are available, in particular WRITE MODE
  • The section header block length is not written to file (the magic value 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF is written, instead). READ MODE
  • It is not possible to perform any backward seek in the file (i.e. only a sequential read of the trace file is possible).
  • Read operations can be slower, since the library uses empty reads to jump between blocks and sections.

typedef int(* ntar_write_handler )(void *handle, void *buffer, size_t size)
 This is the callback that is called when the library needs to write some data to the underlying storage. This callback should be defined when the storage (file, or memory) is opened (with ntar_open_by_handlers) in write mode.


int ntar_add_block_option (ntar_block_handle *block_handle, ntar_option *option)
 This function adds a specified option value to a block handle.
int ntar_add_section_option (ntar_section_handle *section_handle, ntar_option *option)
 This function adds a new option value to a section.
int ntar_close (ntar_file_handle *file_handle)
 This function closes a dump file flushing all the unwritten data to disk.
int ntar_close_block (ntar_block_handle *block_handle)
 This function closes a block in a dump file, eventually flushing all the unsaved data to disk (if in write mode).
int ntar_close_section (ntar_section_handle *section_handle)
 This function closes a section in a dump file, eventually flushing all the unsaved data to disk (if in write mode).
int ntar_create_block (ntar_section_handle *section_handle, u_int32 block_type, void *data, ntar_block_handle **pblock_handle)
 This function creates a new block into a section of a dump file.
int ntar_create_section (ntar_file_handle *file_handle, ntar_section_handle **psection_handle)
 This function creates a new section (SHB as specified in 3.1 in the draft) into a dump file.
int ntar_get_block_data (ntar_block_handle *block_handle, void **data)
 This function retrieves the fixed data of a block.
int ntar_get_block_options (ntar_block_handle *block_handle, ntar_option **options)
 This function reads all the options of a given block in a section.
int ntar_get_block_type (ntar_block_handle *block_handle, u_int32 *pblock_type)
 This function returns the block type of a given block.
int ntar_get_next_block (ntar_section_handle *section_handle, ntar_block_handle **pblock_handle)
 This function returns the next available block (excluding the SHB) in a section of a dump file.
int ntar_get_next_section (ntar_file_handle *file_handle, ntar_section_handle **psection_handle)
 This function returns the next available section in a dump file.
int ntar_get_previous_block (ntar_section_handle *section_handle, ntar_block_handle **pblock_handle)
 This function returns the block in a section of a dump file prior to the current one (excluding the SHB).
int ntar_get_previous_section (ntar_file_handle *file_handle, ntar_section_handle **psection_handle)
 This function returns the section in a dump file prior to the current one.
int ntar_get_section_options (ntar_section_handle *section_handle, ntar_option **options)
 This function reads the option value of a given section in a dump file.
int ntar_getversion (char *buffer, u_int32 *pbuffer_size)
 This function returns the version of the library.
int ntar_open (char *filename, char *flags, ntar_file_handle **pfile_handle)
 This functions open a new dump file for reading or writing.
int ntar_open_by_handlers (ntar_file_handlers file_handlers, char *flags, ntar_file_handle **pfile_handle)
 This functions open a new dump file for reading or writing using some external read/write/seek callbacks defined by the caller.

NTAR documentation. Copyright (c) 2004 - 2005 Condor Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved.