[ntar-workers] [Patch] tests automation

Sebastien Tandel sebastien at tandel.be
Tue Jan 16 00:15:52 GMT 2007

Hi all,

I tried ntar on a debian platform.

There was only a simple error in error.c
error.c : line 18. No eol : easy to solve by editing the file with vim
but ... :)
After this little step, the compilation on Debian was fine.

I made Makefiles for a basic tests automation system.

*** make check ***
will compile the testxxx if needed, execute the tests and check against
testxxx.expected to see if it is correct. (until 16)
testxxx.expected have been generated "by hand" the first time (not
really but at least checked for the results).

will output something like
test001 [ PASS ]
test002 [ FAIL ]
test003 [ PASS ]
test004 [ PASS ]
test005 [ FAIL ]

Note :
1) You first have to move testxxx_in.tar in their respective directories
tests/testxxx, if needed.
2)  I really don't know if it will work on Windows as it uses diff.
3) As test0017 and test018 are waiting for user input, I did not
integrate them in the tests automation.

P.S. : The files permissions are generally set to 0710 which is not a
good idea (don't know if it's a Windows feature but it's really ugly all
these green text files on my screen :)).


Sebastien Tandel

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