[pcap-ng-format] Proposal for EPB Hash Option (1 of 4)

Hadriel Kaplan the.real.hadriel at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 14:57:33 UTC 2015

Do you plan to *use* all of those algorithms?

Because if not, I'd say cull them down to only what you plan to use.
In fact, I'd suggest we get rid of the ones currently defined in the
draft, but I'll send a separate email about that.

Also, a small nit, but instead of saying "non-mutable fields" and to
ignore the block type/length and options and all that - just say it
covers "the Packet Data field only, not including padding".


On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 2:15 AM, Michael Haney <michael-haney at utulsa.edu> wrote:
> I'd like to propose the following to modify the Hash Option for the EPB:
> Name:         epb_hash
> Code:         3
> Length:       variable
> Description:
> This option contains a hash or message digest of the Enhanced Packet Block
> non-mutable fields. The first two bytes (16 bits) of the option value
> specify
> the hashing algorithm. The second two bytes (16 bits) specificy algorithm-
> specific options. At bit offset 32, the actual hash value is contained,
> whose
> size depends on the hashing algorithm. Note that the option length is the
> hash
> value length + 32. If a hashing algorithm produces a message digest that is
> not
> 32-bit aligned, the value should be padded with zeros. Hashing algorithm
> values
> and options are shown in the table. Unless otherwise noted in an algorithm
> option (i.e. any combination of 32 flags could be set to specify hash
> options)
> the message digest will be taken of the body of the Enhanced Packet Block,
> excluding the block header and footer and any options. This will allow the
> hash
> of the original captured packet, including its timestamp and other fixed
> values,
> and still allow for options to be added, removed, or reordered as the packet
> block is processed.
> Algorithm       Code      Option        Digest Size    Option Length (bytes)
> 2’s comp.       0x0000    0x0000        packet size    pkt size + 4
> XOR (LRC32)     0x0001    0x0000        4 bytes        0x0008
> CRC32           0x0002    0x0000        4 bytes        0x0008
> MD5             0x0003    0x0000        128-bit        0x0014
> SHA-1           0x0004    0x0000        160-bit        0x0018
> RIPEMD          0x0005    0x0000        160-bit        0x0018
> SHA-2           0x0006    0x0001        224-bit        0x0020
> SHA-2           0x0006    0x0002        256-bit        0x0024
> SHA-2           0x0006    0x0003        384-bit        0x0034
> SHA-2           0x0006    0x0004        512-bit        0x0044
> Whirlpool       0x0007    0x0000        512-bit        0x0044
> SHA-3           0x0008    0x0001        512-bit        0x0044
> HMAC-MD5        0x0103    0x0000        128-bit        0x0044
> HMAC-SHA-1      0x0104    0x0000        160-bit        0x0018
> HMAC-SHA-2      0x0106    0x0001        224-bit        0x0020
> HMAC-SHA-2      0x0106    0x0002        256-bit        0x0024
> HMAC-Whirlpool  0x0107    0x0000        512-bit        0x0044
> MAC-SHA-3       0x0108    0x0000        512-bit        0x0044
> <artwork>
>      /                                                               /
>      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
>      |    epb_hash_code = 0x0003     | option length (var) = 0x0024  |
>      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
>      | Hash Algorithm = 0x0006 (SHA2)| Hash Alg Opts = 0x0002 (256b) |
>      +---------------------------------------------------------------+
>      /                                                               /
>      /                                                               /
>      /               Hash value (variable e.g. 256-bits)             /
>      /                                                               /
>      /                                                               /
>      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
>      /                                                               /
>      /                   Other Options (variable)                    /
>      /                                                               /
>      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
>      |  end_of_options = 0x0000      |    options_length = 0x0000    |
>      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
>      |                       Block Total Length                      |
>      +---------------------------------------------------------------+
> </artwork>
> Regards,
> Michael
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