[pcap-ng-format] Addition of new content

Michael Haney michael-haney at utulsa.edu
Fri Sep 4 13:41:17 UTC 2015

On September 4, 2015 2:05:35 AM MDT, Guy Harris <guy at alum.mit.edu> wrote:
>On Sep 3, 2015, at 10:23 PM, Michael Haney <michael-haney at utulsa.edu>
>> > capinfos network-tap.pcapng
>> capinfos: Can't open network-tap.pcapng: The file isn't a capture
>file in a known format
>That's the wrong report - it *should* have said that it was a pcapng
>file with an unsupported *version*.
>Which version of capinfos was that?

capinfos from the wireshark-dev package on Ubuntu 14.04-lts.
Wireshark v1.10.6.

>> In my mind, adding additional blocks, while keeping all the v1.0
>blocks well-formed, should be indicated by some kind of version change
>So any time anybody creates a private block type or a custom block
>type, the version number should be changed?

Yep, I agree.  v1.0 allows for custom and private blocks, and I'm
creating a v1.0 compatible file.  It's not the same as application
version numbers with additional features.  I see that more clearly
now.  I guess I was assuming v1.1 would be only an extension of v1.0
with new block types, and not a correction or change of an existing
block type.  That would clearly make a difference in how tools try to
process files.

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