[Winpcap-users] Compiling issues while building WinDump.exe

Vasily Borovyak vbor at isd.dp.ua
Wed Jun 14 05:36:27 GMT 2006

Raghavendra .K.M wrote:
> I installed WinCap and got my WinDump.exe running.
> However I wanted to build WinDump.exe from source .
> I extracted both WDumpSrc_3_9_3.zip and wpcapsrc_3_1.zip into same 
> folder..
To build windump you need windump sources (of course) and WinPCap SDK 
(not the winpcap sources!).
You can find complete step-by-step scenario somewhere on the 

Best regards. Vasily Borovyak <vbor at isd.dp.ua>

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