[Winpcap-users] Getting MAC Address

Eric Hansen nightskywriter at gmail.com
Sun Nov 5 13:31:18 GMT 2006

" This is done by sending ARP packet. ARP packet is used to determine the
host's MAC address when its IP address is known. First ARP request packet is
sent by specifying the source MAC address, source IP address and destination
IP Address. The ARP reply packet contains the destination MAC address. This
method also prevents the target host from sending arp packet to source host
when the source host sends the first SYN packet during scanning process.
>From the ARP request packet that we have sent , target host will come to
know about the MAC address of the source host."

Source:  http://www.codeproject.com/internet/NagTPortScanner.asp

On 11/5/06, Wolf Wolfgang <wolf at faps.uni-erlangen.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using pcap_...-Functions for sniffing and sending
> messages. But for sending I need the MAC address of the
> opened connection (with "pcap_open_live").
> How can I obtain this?
> Thanks!
> Wolfgang
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