[Winpcap-users] question about NPF driver

Condor Kim toothache200873 at yahoo.com
Thu May 8 13:24:22 GMT 2008

Hello everyone. I am an absolute beginner in networking and this is my first time participating, please excuse me. 
I have a question. I've been using wireshark. Then one day, without previous sign, as soon as I opened my wireshark, the message popped up: "The NPF driver isn't running. You may have trouble capturing or listing interfaces." When I started the capturing, a bigger pop-up: "The capture session could not be initiated (error opening adapter: the system can't find the device specified. (20)). Please check that \Device\NPF_{07FF53B1-0035-4ADE-AD22-8067AC2B2905} is the proper interface."  
I didn't understand anything; I would like to know, how exactly to check \Device\NPF... is the proper interface? (I don't even know quite what that means....) And, what is the string of numbers and letters following NPF_...?
 Reading that NPF is part of WinPcap, I re-downloaded WinPcap, but no use. Just when I thought all was over, a week later, my wireshark is working again. Did WinPcap fix itself or what? Can anybody explain to me how this could have happened? Did the NPF driver in WinPcap take a break and then come back again?
Any help to me the idiot is appreciated. 

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