[Winpcap-users] Anyone have current Packet32 source?

Gianluca Varenni gianluca.varenni at cacetech.com
Fri Aug 14 07:33:05 PDT 2009

No, unfortunately not. You would need to rescan the PacketBuf to know how many packets have been transmitted.

Have a nice day
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dennis Drew 
  To: winpcap-users at winpcap.org 
  Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 6:01 AM
  Subject: Re: [Winpcap-users] Anyone have current Packet32 source?

  When one passes a PacketBuf with thousands of packets, and that is passed to 
  Res = (BOOLEAN)DeviceIoControl(AdapterObject->hFile,

  The low level routine sends many of the packets auromatically. We only get to see TotBytesTransfered += BytesTransfered; which in my case is many hunreds of packets. Is there any way to get a caount back of how many were sent at the lower level?


  From: Gianluca Varenni <gianluca.varenni at cacetech.com>
  To: winpcap-users at winpcap.org
  Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 2:27:21 PM
  Subject: Re: [Winpcap-users] Anyone have current Packet32 source?

  Can you elaborate on that? Which packets do you want to count?

  Have a nice day
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Dennis Drew 
    To: winpcap-users at winpcap.org 
    Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:59 AM
    Subject: Re: [Winpcap-users] Anyone have current Packet32 source?

    Hmmm... the "find" function cannot detect that embedded within () I guess. Thanks GV...

    So do you have any idea how at this low level I could determine the packet count so I could display it on my application screen? There is a byte count but that is not the same...


    From: Gianluca Varenni <gianluca.varenni at cacetech.com>
    To: winpcap-users at winpcap.org
    Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:35:04 AM
    Subject: Re: [Winpcap-users] Anyone have current Packet32 source?

    The code in the compiled DLL is the same as the one that we ship as a source package (I'm the person who builds the packages). Remember that the same sources generate different binaries, depending on the build configuration you use (NT4, NT5x, NT6x). 

    The code you sent actually makes use of the Sync flag, here

    Res = (BOOLEAN)DeviceIoControl(AdapterObject->hFile,


    (PCHAR)PacketBuff + TotBytesTransfered,

    Size - TotBytesTransfered,



    Have a nice day

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Dennis Drew 
      To: winpcap-users at winpcap.org 
      Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:03 AM
      Subject: [Winpcap-users] Anyone have current Packet32 source?

      Anyone have current Packet32 source?

      The code I see in the packetNtx download is not the same as the code supplied as a compiled .dll. This code section does not repond the the Sync flag and it also runs VERY, very slow... like one packet per second so the loop at "do{" must be broken.

      Any help on pointing me to a fully functional packet dll will be appreciated.

      Dennis (The other Dennis!)

      INT PacketSendPackets( EMCallBack CB, LPADAPTER AdapterObject, PVOID PacketBuff, ULONG Size, BOOLEAN Sync)


      BOOLEAN Res;

      DWORD BytesTransfered, TotBytesTransfered=0;

      struct timeval BufStartTime;

      LARGE_INTEGER StartTicks, CurTicks, TargetTicks, TimeFreq;

      int nCt = 0, nCount = 0;



      if(AdapterObject->Flags == INFO_FLAG_NDISWAN_ADAPTER)


      TRACE_PRINT("PacketSendPackets: packet sending not allowed on wan adapters");


      return 0;


      #endif // HAVE_WANPACKET_API

      #ifdef HAVE_NPFIM_API

      if(AdapterObject->Flags == INFO_FLAG_NPFIM_DEVICE)


      TRACE_PRINT("PacketSendPackets: packet sending not allowed on npfim adapters");


      return 0;


      #endif // HAVE_NPFIM_API

      #ifdef HAVE_AIRPCAP_API

      if(AdapterObject->Flags == INFO_FLAG_AIRPCAP_CARD)


      TRACE_PRINT("PacketSendPackets: packet sending not allowed on airpcap adapters");


      return 0;


      #endif // HAVE_AIRPCAP_API

      if (AdapterObject->Flags == INFO_FLAG_NDIS_ADAPTER)


      // Obtain starting timestamp of the buffer

      BufStartTime.tv_sec = ((struct timeval*)(PacketBuff))->tv_sec;

      BufStartTime.tv_usec = ((struct timeval*)(PacketBuff))->tv_usec;

      // Retrieve the reference time counters



      CurTicks.QuadPart = StartTicks.QuadPart;


      // Send the data to the driver

      //TODO Res is NEVER checked, this is REALLY bad.

      Res = (BOOLEAN)DeviceIoControl(AdapterObject->hFile,


      (PCHAR)PacketBuff + TotBytesTransfered,

      Size - TotBytesTransfered,





      TotBytesTransfered += BytesTransfered;

      // Exit from the loop on termination or error

      if(TotBytesTransfered >= Size || Res != TRUE)


      // calculate the time interval to wait before sending the next packet

      TargetTicks.QuadPart = StartTicks.QuadPart +


      ((((struct timeval*)((PCHAR)PacketBuff + TotBytesTransfered))->tv_sec - BufStartTime.tv_sec) * 1000000 +

      (((struct timeval*)((PCHAR)PacketBuff + TotBytesTransfered))->tv_usec - BufStartTime.tv_usec)) *

      (TimeFreq.QuadPart) / 1000000;


      // Wait until the time interval has elapsed

      while( CurTicks.QuadPart <= TargetTicks.QuadPart )







      TRACE_PRINT1("Request to write on an unknown device type (%u)", AdapterObject->Flags);

      TotBytesTransfered = 0;



      return TotBytesTransfered;



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