[Winpcap-users] XP 64-bit

Black, Michael (IS) Michael.Black2 at ngc.com
Fri Jul 23 05:21:19 PDT 2010

Oops...never mind...I just find an extraneous packet.dll in my path.  That 'splains things...
Michael D. Black
Senior Scientist
Advanced Analytics Directorate
Northrop Grumman Information Systems


From: winpcap-users-bounces at winpcap.org on behalf of Black, Michael (IS)
Sent: Fri 7/23/2010 6:58 AM
To: winpcap-users at winpcap.org
Subject: EXTERNAL:[Winpcap-users] XP 64-bit

I just installed WinPcap 4.1.2 from the download site plus WinDump 3.9.5
I'm running Window XP 64-bit and when I execute windump I get an error:
"The procedure entry point PacketSetLoopbackBehavior could not be located in the dynamic link library packet.dll"
I haven't test yet but is it (or should it be) necessary to install the loopback adapter for windump to run?  It doesn't seem to me that it should be required.  Or am I missing something else?  I have packet.dll in both C:\WINDOWS\system32 and C:\Windows\SysWOW64 that appear to have come from winpcap 4.1.2
Michael D. Black
Senior Scientist
Advanced Analytics Directorate
Northrop Grumman Information Systems
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