[Winpcap-users] The example of "Sending Packets" for "Send queues" can't be work at my computer

Gisle Vanem gvanem at broadpark.no
Wed Jan 4 04:55:51 PST 2012

"Sean Chen" <seanchen.mvp at gmail.com> wrote:

1>e:\videotest\videocode\socket\winpcap1\include\win32-extensions.h(107) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'

> *Now I can't find the reason, so please tell me how to deal with this
> problem, I'm new of winpcap, thank you!*

When you get such errors, it's always a good idea to look at the pre-processed
output. I.e. the output of the cpp stage, the code that the compiler is really
compiling. Add option '-E' to the CFLAGS to use. You use some project-file,
*.vcxproj? Open it in Visual-Studio or generate a makefile (in VS) and add '-E' 
manually. Then run:
  nmake -f your-generated-makefile.mak CFG="Debug Win32" debug\main.obj > temp.txt

and look in temp.txt for clues.


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