[Winpcap-users] About AirPcap and WinPCap integration

Lucas Lira Gomes x8lucas8x at gmail.com
Fri Jul 12 19:49:20 PDT 2013

Hi WinPCap gurus,

I'm considering buying an AirPCap NX, however I wonder if anyone know if
there is a concrete difference, in terms of a higher rate of packet capture
for instance or something like that, in comparison with TPLink's Wifi
dongles or a common wifi card used for the same purpose of packet capturing
via Wireshark. Or, in other words, anybody know if there is some extra
"thing" in the AirPCap DevPack library or in its hardware that could
somehow justify their high cost despite the external antenna support?
Finally, the reason why I'm asking about AirPCap stuff here is that some
days ago I saw in [1] functions that make operations on AirPCap's Devpack
library data structures (like
so I started wondering if someone from this mailing list would know how to
answer the aforementioned questions.

[1] https://www.winpcap.org/docs/docs_40_2/html/group__wpcapfunc.html

Thanks in advance, Lucas Lira Gomes.

Lucas Lira Gomes (llg)
Linux User #533002
Tel.: (81) 9459-2290

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