[Winpcap-users] multiple instances of pcap_dump_open‏

Michael Sangster mksangster at hotmail.co.uk
Thu May 9 02:45:31 PDT 2013


I’m trying to open more than one pcap dump file similar to
the following:


m_pcapout =


m_phandle1 =
pcap_dump_open(m_pcapout, file1)


m_phandle1 =
pcap_dump_open(m_pcapout, file2)


m_phandle1 =
pcap_dump_open(m_pcapout, file3)


               note: fname1,fname2
and fnam3   are all different.


What I find however is m_phandle1, m_phandle2, m_phandle3
all have the same value 0x1003D200. All pcap records written appear in only the last dumpfile opened – i.e. file3. The symptoms seem to be that one handle is being reopened/reused each time. Interestingly, for this example, file1
and file2 are both created and are 1K in size.


Looking at the source for pcap_dump_open() I cannot see why
this should not work. Am I missing some obvious point.


One further note: I am using winpcap version 4.1.2/4.1.3 on a
win7 machine and have tried the same executable on a winxp machine with identical results.

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