[pcap-ng-format] Does anyone actually generate the epb_hash field today?

Hadriel Kaplan the.real.hadriel at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 23:25:46 UTC 2015

On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 6:13 PM, Stephen Donnelly
<stephen.donnelly at avagotech.com> wrote:
> I don't use the current epb_hash option, but I can see some use cases.

Oh I'm not debating there might be some use for it
somewhere/somehow/someday - just asking if anyone's ever implemented
it. (Mostly because I'm trying to get the doc to a point we can submit
it to the IETF, and thus need to remove or clear up things that aren't
specified well enough to implement in an interoperable fashion.)

> The epb_hash could be a hash, signature, or digest over some part of the
> packet 'payload'. This could be just the IP payload, the whole IP datagram,
> or the entire Ethernet frame for example. The purpose would be to accelerate
> the detection of 'duplicate' packets/payloads. These commonly occur in some
> SPAN (or other Network Packet Broker) configurations, when capturing from
> multiple VLANs, or when capturing at multiple points in a network
> simultaneously.
> Duplicates might be excluded from TCP analysis to avoid invalid
> retransmission detection, or may be leveraged to measure network/equipment
> latency.

Sure, but programs which perform duplicate-packet detection and
removal already do their own calculations and decisions, based on
various factors/criteria. Why do they need the file to tell them
something they can figure out on their own, and will ignore anyway
unless it meets their exact criteria?

Or are you saying it's a hash of the *original* packet data, which
might not all be in the Packet Data field due to a shorter
snaplen/capture-length?  I don't believe that's the case, because the
current text in the doc says one of the purposes for it was for
"reliable data transfer between the data acquisition system and the
capture library". (but I may be reading too much into that)


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