[Winpcap-users] WinPcap 3.1 beta 4 memory leak? crashes?

Tom Brown brown at esteem.com
Sat May 21 21:06:55 GMT 2005

On Saturday 21 May 2005 13:41, Guy Harris wrote:
> As long as you call "pcap_freealldevs()" on the results of the
> "pcap_findalldevs()" when you're finished with the results, so that you
> don't leak the data structures allocated by "pcap_findalldevs()", the
> only issues should be the CPU time it takes (and that it might attempt
> to open all the devices it finds for capturing, to make sure they can be
> used for capturing; all versions in libpcap on UN*X do that, but some
> versions in WinPcap might not).

I am calling pcap_freealldevs() for every call to pcap_findalldevs(). The CPU 
time it takes does not seem to be an issue.

> On the other hand, I'm not sure why, if you're looking for Ethernet
> devices, I'm not sure why they'd show up later if they didn't show up
> right away - I suspect that the Ethernet device should show up in a
> pcap_findalldevs() call regardless of whether it's plugged in or not,
> but perhaps it somehow doesn't show up if it's not plugged in.

The application is designed to run on laptops where the etherenet card is 
removed/replaced a couple of times on a daily basis.

> What sort of status are you getting from the device?

The device is a high-power external wireless device. The application reports 
the connection status and signal level.

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