[Winpcap-users] Re: Capture packet from one interface, send to another interface

Uli Muhammad Aulia uli at el02itb.org
Fri Aug 10 18:21:33 GMT 2007

On 8/11/07, Gianluca Varenni <gianluca.varenni at cacetech.com> wrote:
> It's a linking problem, not a compile problem. Did you add wpcap.lib in
> the libraries for you project? What compiler are you using? Which version of
> WinPcap?

Ah, yes. a linking problem.
yup, I already add wpcap.lib for the project.
already built some simple programs using winpcap and they worked. just this
one time it didn't.
I'm using Visual C++ 6 and WinPcap 4.0.1.

still can't solve this problem.


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