[Winpcap-users] The other host terminated the connection.

David Schüler admin at schueler.homeip.net
Mon Oct 8 17:27:26 GMT 2007

Bryan Kadzban schrieb:
> FYI: the error string you have in the subject line here is not the real
> error...

Of course, it is!

> On Mon, Oct 08, 2007 at 02:22:31PM +0200, David Sch?ler wrote:
>> rpcapd # ./rpcapd -n
>> Press CTRL + C to stop the server...
>> bind(): Address already in use (code 98)
> This is the real error.  rpcapd was never able to bind to whichever
> local port it normally uses, because some other program was already
> either listening on that port, or had used that port to connect to some
> other machine.

Nope. I ckecked this. Nothing is listening on port 2002. If i start 
rpcapd with the -b option to listen on a different address (my VPN 
address) the error doesn't come up but the problem still exists.

rpcapd # netstat -an | grep 2002
rpcapd # ./rpcapd -b x.x.x.10
Press CTRL + C to stop the server...
I'm exiting from the child loop
The other host terminated the connection.
Child terminated

I had a look into the daemon.c source file and i guess that the error 
seems to occure here:
if (sock_recv(pars->sockctrl, (char *) &header, sizeof(struct 
rpcap_header), SOCK_RECEIVEALL_YES, errbuf, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE) == -1)
     goto end;

But i'm not a C programmer to figure this out.


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