[Winpcap-users] Small problem in execution

vishwesh jatala vishwesh_jatala at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 20 04:49:30 PDT 2010


I tried a simple program to list all the devices of the remote machine for eg.

IP Addr :
Port  : 9898

FYI : Attaching a text file(simple.txt) which contains the code

and when I try to execute the program the output is (you see one error in bold text)



Enter the device you want to list:

rpcap://              ==> lists interfaces in the local machine

rpcap://hostname:port ==> lists interfaces in a remote machine

                          (rpcapd daemon must be up and running

                           and it must accept 'null' authentication)

file://foldername     ==> lists all pcap files in the give folder

Enter your choice: rpcap://

Error in pcap_findalldevs: getaddrinfo(): The specified class was not 
found.  (code 10109)


here the is the address of remote machine 

however it cannot find "getaddrinfo()" during run time

And also  I tried executing the daemon : 
c:\Winpcap>rpcapd.exe -b137.72.248.19 -p9898 -n

Still the issue remains the same....

Can anyone help on how to overcome this ??

Thanks in advance,

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