[Winpcap-users] About the packet drops and use of pcap_stats_ex()

Helmut Vaupotitsch hv at itec-audio.com
Tue Nov 30 23:11:54 PST 2010

if ps_drop=0, then the *driver* hasn´t lost packets (see Re: 
[Winpcap-users] Question about the struct type pcap_t. from 28.10!)
Most likely your app looses packets...  
...try to implement a ringbuffer in the following way: one thread just 
fills the pre-allocated FIFO, another thread processes the buffer


yulou liu schrieb:
> I have made these experiments : 
> PC captures data packets  from a FPGA board. 
> 1,  I made a Loop back test that can verify there is no packet drops 
>  between  FPGA TO FPGA. 
> 2Each data packets from FPGA board has a sequence number. Then PC can 
> figure  that there  are  packets drops. (the packets number that pc 
> gets does not match the sequence of the packets). 
> 3,  call the pcap_stats_ex() , the result  is : ps_drop=0 .  That 
> means  there is no packets drops between the kernel buffer to  user 
> buffer. 
> According  to above ,   Packet drops  could occur in  the  system 
> netcard to winPcap kernel driver.      Is this conclusion right ? 
> Is it is right ,  what is the suggestion ?    Can it be improved to 
> use a more professional net card  ?     
> Liuyulou
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Ing. Helmut Vaupotitsch        Phone:  +43 (0)3133 3780 16
ITEC Tontechnik und            Fax:    +43 (0)3133 3780 9
Industrieelektronik GmbH       E-mail: hv at itec-audio.com
A-8200 Lassnitzthal 300        URL:    http://www.itec-audio.com

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