[Winpcap-users] Sniffing WiFi access points nearby

Chris Morgan chmorgan at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 11:38:30 PST 2011

You would need an airpcap hardware adapter if you wanted to use the
airpcap api. What you want may be possible through a standard wifi
adapter but I'm not sure the hardware provides that much control.


On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 2:36 PM, gonzalo diethelm <gdiethelm at dcv.cl> wrote:
>> I would imagine something like airpcap would be useful for this. I've
>> recently added airpcap support to sharppcap, http://sharppcap.sf.net
> Chris, thanks for the pointer to AirPcap. It seems there is no open / free version available for this product, is that correct?
> What is the difference between AirPcap and WinPcap? I understand WinPcap can capture network traffic from any kind of network adapter, including wireless adapters (802.11). Is that right? Would that ability be enough to capture packets coming from access points to which the local adapter is not connected, and sniff the AP's MAC addresses?
> I will start trying my hand on the examples provided in WinPcap's documentation. Thanks again for your help.
> --
> Gonzalo Diethelm

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